
The Risks of Playing the Lottery

The drawing of lots to determine ownership or other rights is recorded in ancient documents, including the Bible. It was later brought to the United States by James I of England and became a popular way for state governments to raise funds for towns, wars, colleges, and public-works projects. Lotteries are a form of gambling, but unlike illegal gambling and other games of chance, state-run lotteries are legal.

Lotteries are a fixture of American life and generate billions in revenue for state budgets. But they also lure people away from saving for their retirement or college tuition and toward a fantasy of instant riches that may not arrive.

To promote their games, lotteries offer a wide variety of prizes. Typically, these are merchandise items such as cars and houses, cash, sports team drafts, or even vacations. Many lottery promotions are based on brand-name products and feature well-known celebrities, athletes, or cartoon characters. The merchandising deals benefit the companies by providing product exposure and increasing sales, while the lotteries gain additional revenue from ticket sales.

While the prize amounts for some of these contests can be substantial, for the vast majority of players, winning is a long shot. The improbable odds can give people a false sense of security. If they don’t win, they can still feel that they did their civic duty by buying a ticket, which may be true but obscures the regressive nature of the tax. Moreover, if they do win, the money they spend on tickets can quickly diminish their quality of life.